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纖維用洋麻의 育種에 關한 硏究 KCI 등재

Studies on the Breeding of the Response to short photoperiod, Fiber weight, and Qualitative characters and of the Associations Among these characters in Kenaf

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/11594
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

1. 양마의 섬유중 단일반응성 엽형 경색 엽병색 삭과색에 관한 제형질에 대하여 개개의 질적형질의 유전 및 그들의 연소를 연구하였다. 량적형질의 유전은 통계유전학적방법을 이용하여 유전인자분석을 하였다. 또 이들 양적형질의 질적형질과의 연소 및 양적형질상호간의 연소를 조사하여 얻어진 지견을 응용하여 선발의 효과를 높이려고 하였다. 2. 본실험에는 양마의 품종 Dashkent, G38F-1의 1교잡을 사용하였다. Dshkent는 우리나라 재래품종으로 경색은 녹색이고 열핵엽형 녹색엽병색 개화일수는 10시간 단일처리하에서 106.9222일이고 호외 포장조건에서 105.8234일이었고 개체당 섬유중은 26.4922 gr였다. G38F-1은 Guatemala에서 도입하여 계통선발된 품종로서 적색경 수원엽형 적색엽병색 개화일수는 10시간단일처리하에서 62.3784일이고 호외포장조건에서 148.8921일였고 개체당 섬유중은 37.1591 gr.였다. 본교잡에 사용된 실험재료는 P, P2 , F2 , F2 , BC1 ,(F2 × Dashkent), BC2 (F2 × G38F-1)의 각집단이며 1965년 수원작물시험장 포장에 재식하였다. 3. 엽형 엽병색 경색 삭과색 등 제형질의 유전은 수원엽형 녹색엽병 녹색경 녹색삭과등의 제인자가 단인자로서 그의 대립형질인 열각엽형 적색엽병 적색경 황색삭과에 대하여 각각 열성으로서 3:1의 Mendel성단순분리비를 나타내었다. 또 F1 과 열성형질과의 여교잡은 각각 1:1의 분리비가 인정되었다. 엽병색(G)과 엽형유전자(L)와의 조환가는 11.9565의 상인연소현상을 보였다. 삭과색(Y) 경색(R) 유전자간에는 어느것이나 연소현상이 보이지 않았다. 4. 단일반응성의 변이는 연소적이며 우성은 거의 인정되지 않았고 인자간의 상호작용도 인정되지 않았으며 상가적 유전을 보였다. 광의와 협의의 유전력은 각각 89.50%로서 실용적으로 대단히 높은 것으로 생각되었으며 단일반응성에 관여하는 유전자수는 2대의 인자로 추정하였고 다시 양친의 유전자형을 aabb AABB라고 측정하여 각인자의 작용가는 11.136일로 산출되었고 분해법에 의한 유전분석결과 유전자형의 관찰빈도분포와 이론빈도분포는 서로 잘 적합되었다. 단일반응성에 있어서 유전력이 대단히 높았으므로 비교적 초기세대에서 본 형질의 선발이 가능할 것 같았다. 5. 단일반응성과 엽형 및 엽병색 유전자와의 사이에 F2 , BC1 및 BC2 에서 각각 유의적인 상관관계를 볼 수 있었으므로 이들 형질간에 연소가 있는 것으로 인정되었다. 더욱 엽형과 엽병색과의 연소가 있는 것으로 인정되는 이상단일반응성 유전자와의 사이에 연소군이 인정된다. 6. 섬유중 유전자와 엽병색 및 엽형유전자와의 사이에 F2 BC1 및 BC2 에서 각각 유의적 상관관계를 볼 수 있었으므로 이를 형질간에 연소가 있는 것으로 인정되었다. 더욱 엽형과 엽병색과의 연소가 있는 것으로 인정되는 이상 섬유중 유전자와의 사이에 연소군이 인정된다. 7. 경장 경경 개화일수와 주당섬유중의 유전상관과 표현형상관에 있어서 전반적으로 표현형상관보다도 유전상관의 절대치가 크게되는 경향을 나타내었으며 식물체의 크기에 가장 밀접한 관계가 있는 경장 개화일수와 섬유중 형질상호간의 상관이 높은 치를 보였다. 8. 이상의 유전분석 결과 엽형 및 엽병색과 단일반응성경장 섬유중 형질간에는 연소 혹은 다면발현(pleiotropic effect)이 관여하는 것으로 이해하드라도 대과없는 것으로 생각되었고 양마에 있어서 고섬유중을 위한 선발은 엽병색 및 경장의 선발과 엽형 및 개화일수로서 선발을 함께 하면 그 효율이 높아질 것으로 믿어졌다.

It was shown that the most desirable characters for kenaf are high-fiber weight and moderately early maturity. Therefore, the objectives of this research on this crop is to find varieties possessing these characteristics. The experiments covered in this report provided new information relative to segregation, mode of inheritance, estimate of the number of genes involved in fiber weight and their response to short day length of 10 hours and the qualitative characters, such as, color of stem, capsule, petiole and shape of leaves. The associations which exist among these characters are also indicated. Fiber weight per plant, days to flowering, Stem color, Petiole color, Capsule color, and shape of leaves were studied in parental, F1 .F2 and backcross populations of a cross between Dashkent, a low-fiber weight but early maturing kenaf variety, and G 38 F-1, a high-fiber weight but late maturing kenaf variety. Crosses were made using the varieties, Dashkent and G 38 F-1 as parents. The Dashkent parent had the following characteristics: green stems, capsules and petioles and lobed shaped leaves; 105.8234 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 106.9222 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. The other parent, G 38 F-1 had red stems yellow capsules and red petioles and unlobed shaped leaves; 149.8921 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 62.3684 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. Both of the parents, F1 , F2 , BC1 (F1 X Dashkent, ) and BC2 (F1 ~times G38F-1) of the kenaf cross were grown at the Crops Experiment Station, Suwon, Korea in 1965. Color of stems, petioles and capsules, and shape of leaves were noted to be simply inherited as a single factor. Red stem color was dominant over green stem color, red petiole color was dominant over green petiole, lobed shaped leaves were dominant over unlobed shaped leaves and yellow capsules were dominant over green capsule. It was, also, noted that the factor for color of petiole was linked with the factor for shape of leaf with a 11.9587 percent recombination value, however no interaction or linkage were found among the color of stem and capsule color. Using Powers partitioning method, theoretical means and frequency distributions for each population, the days to flowering were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs were involved. The values obtained fitted the theoretical values. In general this would indicate that Dashkent and G 38 F -1 were differentiated by two gene pairs. Heritability values were calculated as the percent of additive genetic variance. Heritability value of days to flowering, 89.5% in the broad sense and 79.91% in the narrow sense, indicated that the selection for this character would be effective in relatively early generations. Particularly, high positive correlations were found between days to flowering and the color of petioles and shape of leaves. However, there was no relation between days to flowering and capsule color nor between these and stem color. On the basis of the results of this experiment there is evidence that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and the color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for the characters of days to flowering. The association was sufficiently close to offer a possible simple and efficient means of selection for moderately early mat. uring plants by leaf shape and petiole color selection. Again using Powers partitioning method the frequency distribution for each population to the fiber weight were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs, AaBb, were involved. Both phenotypic and genotypic dominance were complete. The obtained value did not agree with the theoretical value for F2 and BC1 (F1 ~times Dashkent.) It seems that Dashkent and G 38 F-1 were differentiated by two major gene pairs but some the other minor genes are necessary. It is certain that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for fiber weight. Also, high. yielding plants with moderately early maturity were found in the F2 population. Thus, simultaneous selection for high-fiber yield and moderately early maturing plants should be possible in these populations. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between fiber weight per plant and days to flowering, stem height and stem diameter were calculated. In general, genotypic correlations are higher than the phenotypic correlation. The highest correlation is found between stem height and fiber weight per plant (0.7852 in genotypic and 0.4103 in phenotypic) and between days to flowering and fiber weight per plant (0.7398 in genotypic and 0.3983 in phenotypic.) It was also expected that the selection of high stem height and moderately early maturing plants were given the efficient means of selection for high fiber weight.

  • 朴鍾汶(작물시험장) | 박종문