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Opaque-2 인자를 이용한 高라이신 옥수수의 育種 KCI 등재

Some Aspects of High Lysine Maize Breeding using Opaque-2 Gene

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/11600
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

1. 단백질: 오페이크-2 옥수수에서 비록 적은 단백질함량이 분석되었지만 정상적인 옥수수와 오페이크-2 옥수수 사이에 있어서 유의적인 상관관계는 없었다. 2. 라이신: 라이신 함량역시 품종에 따라 다르며 오페이크-2 옥수수에 있어서의 라이신 함량은 품종간에 큰 차이가 없었다. 정상적인 옥수수와 오페이크-2 옥수수 사이에 있어서 라이신 함량간에는 유의적인 상관관계가 없었다. 3. 분리비율: 오페이크-2 옥수수는 열성단일 인자로서 대개 나타났다. 표현형에 있어서는 사용한 품종에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 오페이크-2 옥수수는 이병성이 약한 듯 하였으며 종실중이 가벼웠다. 4. 오페이크-2 인자와 후라워리-2 인자는 대립유전인자가 아니다. 5. 배우자적 불화합성과 웅성 불임이 오페이크 교배 조합에서 나타났다.

Several field and sweet corn varietiea from several sources were crossed with a variety carrying the opaque-2 gene to determine the phenotypic interactions in the breeding of high lysine maize. Although opaque-2 lines showed lower protein content than the corresponding normal varieties, there was no correlation between the protein levels of the two types. opaque-2 maize contained more lysine, but no relationship was found between the protein content and the lysine content of either normal or opaque-2 types, suggesting that high lysine corn using the opaque-2 gene may be developed independently from the protein content. The F2 segregation ratios for normal and opaque-2, 100-kernel weights, percentage seed set, opaque-2 phenotype, disease susceptibility, and the relationship between protein and lysine content of normal and opaque-2 were investigated. The determinations and observations were made on the F2, F3, and BC1 Lysine content was determined by the ion exchangeresin combined with paper chromatography method. Most crosses segregated in a 1-opaque-2 : 3-normal ratio as expected. Opaque-2 segregates were lighter than the normal type and smaller in size. A mottled phenotype of opaque-2 maize observed in the Philippines yellow endersperm. In some varieties opaque-2 maize was very susceptible to the ear and kernel rot disease. No. 5(female) and opaque-2(male). Selectlon of a double mutant of waxy and opaque-2 by using the iodine technique and electric lamp was discussed. opaque-2 and floruy-2 were not allels. Different percentage of seed set were observed in the segregation of aewx crossed with opaque-2. An unusual gametophytie relationship was involved in a cross between Glutinous.

  • 崔鳳鎬(작물시험장) | 최봉호