냉온하(7~9월)에서 생육한 수도에 대한 재배수건별(표고별, 품종별) 냉해와 도체경엽중 유효규산 및 인산함량과의 관계를 밝히고져 경남북 일도에 걸처 냉해실태를 조사하여 분석해 본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 임실비율은 표고가 높아질수록 떨어졌으며 통일계품종에서 더욱 현저하였다. 2. 임실비율 증가에 따라 토양중 SiO2/P2 O5 함량비는 낮아졌고 도체경엽중에서는 높아졌다. 3. 규산이 인산함량에 비하여 도체의 경엽중에서는 10.5~20.5배 정도 토양중에는 0.28~0.78배로 함유되어 있었다. 4. 임실비율과 도체경엽중 SiO2/P2 O5 함량비와는 정의 유의상관이 인정되었다. 5. 식물체중 규산함량 증가에 따른 임실비율 증가는 일반계품종보다 통일계정종에서 현저하였다.
To clarify the relationship between rice cool injury and the contents of silica and phosphorus in the soils and the rice plant, the investigation was carried out at ripening stage of rice from the different altitudes with different varieties throughout Yeongnam area. The rate of fertilized spikelets were decreased with elevation increase and the situation was distincted in the Japonica cross Indica hybrid varieties. The higher rates of SiO2/P2 O5 content in the leaves and stems or lower rates of that in the soils show the higher fertilization rates. The result seems to be caused by the different solubility and uptakes of silica and by the different availability and transformation of phosphorus. A positive correlation was observed between the content of silica in rice plant and the fertilization rates. The fertilization rate in Japonica varieties was higher than that of Indica cross Japonica hybrid varieties in the case of the same content of silica in plant as far as observed, but the increasing rate of fertilized grains due to increase of silica content was prominented in the hybrid varieties which probably demand more silica. Within the certain limit of silica and phosphorus content in rice plant, the more uptaking of silica might lessen the cool injury.