일복내에서의 인삼의 생육실태를 파악하기 위하여 3~5년근의 경 및 엽의 건물중, 엽면적과 동지수(LAI), 비엽중(SLW) 등의 수직분포 및 조도의 변화를 재식위치별로 조사하였다. 1. 3년근에서 조도는 지상 10cm 정도에서 가장 낮았고 후행일수록 낮았다. 2. 3년근 엽면적은 상의 가운데 1[3부분이 넓었고 비엽중은 수광량이 많은 곳일수록 높았으나 엽면적 지수는 행별로 큰 차이가 없었다. 3. 4년근에서는 3년근보다 광환경이 악화되었고 엽면적 및 동지수는 행별 차이가 현저했다. 4. 5년근에서는 통로부분의 엽량이 많아진 것 외에는 대체적인 경향이 4년근과 비슷하였다. 5. 경엽의 건물중은 고년근일수록 현저히 증대되었고 잎의 건물중은 보다 상층에 분포하였다.
To understand the growth pattern of ginseng plant under shading, the vertical distribution of leaf area, leaf area index (LAI) and specific leaf weight (SLW) and changes in light intensity as affected by planting position were investigated in 3 to 5 years old ginseng plant populations. Light intensity was vertically lowest at about 10cm above the ground and became low at the rear planting position in 3-year-old population. When culturing bed (96cm in width) were divided into three parts at intervals of 32cm from front to rear, the leaf area in 3-year-old population was largest in middle 1/3 part of planting bed. Light intensity affected the SLW positively, but LAI showed no distinct difference among planting positions. The light environment of 4-year-old population was worse than that of 3-year-old population and leaf area and LAI differed greatly among planting positions. In 5-year-old population, leaf dry weight and leaf area of furrow part (that is, the amount of leaves protruded from the plants which were planted in 1st, 2nd or 3rd lines into the furrow) increased. The dry weights of leaves and stem increased considerably as plant became aged, and were distributed mainly in upper layer.