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Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Dynamics in Mammalian Oocytes during Sexual and Asexual Developments KCI 등재

포유동물 난자의 유성 및 무성 발생과정 동안 핵 및 세포질의 변화

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/1237
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Development & Reproduction (발생과 생식)
한국발생생물학회 (The Korea Society Of Developmental Biology)

수정에 의한 배 발생은 정자가 난자 내로 침입하여 정자와 난자의 반수체 핵질이 융합되고 이어 유사분열로 이어지는 과정에서 시작된다. 하지만 수정 및 초기 배 발생 동안 자웅 핵질과 난 세포질 구성 요소 상호간의 작용기전에 관해서는 명확히 알려져 있지 않은 부분이 많다. 수정보조기법인 세포질 내 정자 직접 주입법의 개발은 남성불임치료에 혁신적인 기술로 자리잡고 있을 뿐만 아니라 포유동물의 수정과정을 이해하는데 많은 도움을 주고 있다. 핵치환에 의한 복제동

At fertilization, sperm penetrates into oocyte, male and female pronuclei are fused together, and mitotic division follows. However, little information is available on the interactive roles and dynamic processes between cytoplasmic and nuclear components during the pronuclear formation, migration and cell division. The assisted reproductive technologies such as, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and round spermatid injection(ROSI) could provides new treatments for the male infertility as well as tools for the study of basic mechanism during fertilization. Nuclear transfer can also provide a mechanism on the interactive roles between nucleus and cytoplasm since the process includes nuclear reprogrammming of differentiated cells in the enucleated oocytes. Recently, I have investigated developmental processes in porcine oocytes following fertilization parthenogenesis, ICSI, ROSI and nuclear transfer using indirect immunocytochemical and electron microscopic studies. The results could provide an insight into biological questions related with epigenesis as well as strategies for the enhancement of embryology in general such as ICSI and nuclear transfer.

  • Kim Nam-Hyung