X, Y정자를 분리하여(sexing techlology)필요한 성을 조절한 배아의 연구가 아직 실용화되지 않고 있다 본 연구는 이에 대한 기초연구로서 돼지의 X 정자와 Y정자를 분리하기 위하여 불연속 percoll농도구배를 제조한 후 상층에 정액을 분주하여 120g에서 20분간 원심분리 하였다. 분리된 각 층의 정자를 회수(710 sperms/ml)하여 genomic DNA를 추출한후, PCR 방법을 이용하여 Y 염색체의 성 결정 유전자(TDF)인 SR
Predetermination of sex in livestock of offpring is in great demand and is of critical importance to providing for the most efficient production of the animal ariculture. Such a sexing techlology would also enhance the economy of conventional artificial insemination(AI) and aid the porcine industry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of enriching X-bearing porcine sperm using discontinuous percoll gradients and PCR mefhod. Semen was collected from mature boars of proven fertility center (AI center KimHae). Sperm was leaded on the isotonic discontinuous percoll gradient and then it was centrifuged at 120 g for 20 minutes. After centrifugation, sperm included in each fraction were recovered (710 sperms/ml) and then sperm genomic DNA was extractedfor the PCR. SRY gene was used to evaluate the ratio between X and Y sperm in the separated fractions. Ju viro ffrtilization wascarried out by adding the unseparated sperm (control) or separated (experimental poop) to the matured oocytes in TCM-199. Embryos for sex determination were obtained at 2 cell stage and then was used for SRY gene amplification. After centrifugation of discontinuous percoll gradient, the most motile sperm was obtained at 95% fiaction (94.4% 5.1%, p < 0.01). The PCR analysis evaluated that 30%, 50% and 65% fractions were Y sperm rich, whereas 80% and 95% fractions were X sperm rich. PCR analysis with each porcineembryo showed that 33.3% of control and 66.7% of experimental group were determined as female embryos. In conclusion, in vitro matured oocytes inseminated with sperms (95% fraction) prepared by percoll gradient centrifugation showed high fertilization rates and female embryos than control sperms.