옥수수의 분얼 및 생육에 미치는 시비량의 효과를 알기 위하여 상이한 두개의 교잡종 옥수수를 상이한 4가지 시비수준에서 재배한 결과 분얼하는 IK1 /IRI가 시비수준에 큰 관계없이 분얼을 하지 않는 장야일호보다 개체당 경수가 많았고, 개체당 지상부 무게, 경엽중, 이삭무게 등도 무거웠다. IK1 /IRI의 개체당 분얼수도 시비수준에 따라 크게 영향을 받아 퇴비의 시용이 개체당 분얼수를 증가시키는데 효과적이었다.
An experiment was conducted to study the dffects of fertilizers on maize tillering. Hybrids used were non-tillering hybrid, Nangano No.1, one of the leading hybrids in Japan and tillering hybrids, IK1 /IRI develored at the Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Chungnam National Univ., Taejon, Korea. The experiment was conducted at Dottori Prefecture in Japan. Four fertilizer levels, i. e., standard level, half amount of standard level, standard level plus composts and standard level plus two times of composts currently recommended for farmers were used. Higher fertilizer levels were effective for increasing plant weight of both hybrids. All fresh weight as well dry weight of the whole plants and plant parts of IK1 /IRI were higher than those of Nangano No. 1, regardless of fertilizers applied mainly due to the tiller development. The number of tillers per plant of IK1 /IRI was increased as the level of fertilizer was increased. Especially in sandy soil, composts seemed to be very effective in increasing tiller number per plant of IK1 /IRI.