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Effects of the Cell-to-Cell Communication between Oocyte and Cumulus Cells on the Quality of Oocytes KCI 등재

난자와 난구세포간 Cell-to-Cell Communication이 난자에 미치는 영향

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/1273
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Development & Reproduction (발생과 생식)
한국발생생물학회 (The Korea Society Of Developmental Biology)

난자와 난포세포는 gap junction channel을 통해 긴밀한 연락을 주고받음으로써 난자의 발달이나 난포의 성장에 영향을 미친다. 본 연구는 같은 크기의 난포에서 나온 난자라고 하여도 cumulus cell(난구세포)들이 붙어있는 상태가 다르다는 것을 관찰, 이렇게 난구세포와의 서로 다른 연결상태를 갖는 난자의 재질에 차이가 있을 것으로 가정하고, 난자의 competence와 이때 난자와 난구세포 사이의 cell-to-cell communicat

Production of a mature oocyte is a complex process that requires the close association between oocyte and follicular cells. The present study was conducted to investigate the difference between oocytes with and without close junctional communication with cumulus cells and the involvement of two connexins(CXs) in the interactions. Follicles at different sizes(small: 200~400 ㎛; large:>450 ㎛) were mechanically isolated from PMSG-primed mouse ovaries, and punctured to get cumulus-oocyte complex(COC). Oocytes were released themselves(denuded), with partially attached(partial), or with tightly attached(intact) cumulus cells. Maturation and fertilization capacity of the COCs were measured. Expression of CX 37 and CX 43 was examined by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. The ratio between intact COC and denude/partial oocytes was 30%(SI) and 70%(SPD) in small follicles, while 55%(LI) and 45%(LPD) in large follicles, respectively. Maturation and fertilization rates of the released oocytes were similar among SI, LPD, LI groups, but those were significantly lower in SPD oocytes. In oocytes, CX 37 was the major CX and CX 43 was not expressed, whereas in the cumulus cells, CX 43 was the major, and CX 37 was the next. Results of the present study suggest that 1) immature oocytes from small follicles with intact cell-to-cell communication with cumulus have the similar quality to that of the oocytes from larger follicles, 2) gap junction between oocyte and cumulus cells may be the heterotypic channel, and 3) we could not explain the difference in the cell-to-cell communication between intact and partial/denuded COCs through the expression of the two CXs.

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