한국 광양만, 슬러그 적재장내에 서식하는 암컷 피뿔고둥 Rapana venosa의 군성숙도, 산란빈도 및 난낭 산출
자연 생물자원 관리를 위해, 광양만내 인공적으로 폐쇄된 슬라그 적재장내에 서식하는 암컷 피뿔고둥 Rapana venose(Valenciennes)를 대상으로 조직학적, 육안적 관찰에 의해 군성숙도, 성비, 산란빈도, 난낭 산출 및 포란수를 조사하였다. 암컷 개체들의 군성숙도(%)는 각고 7.1~8.0 cm의 경우 51.6%이었고, 9.1 cm 이상인 개체들의 경우는 100%이었다. 개체당 총난낭수 및 난낭내의 평균 난수는 각각 192~382개와 500개
First sexual maturity, sex ratio, spawning frequency, deposition of the egg capsules and fecundity of the female Rapana venosa(Valenciennes) inhabited in the artificially closed slag deposit area, Gwangyang Bay were investigated by histologicai and visual observations for natural living resource management. The rate of individuals reaching the first sexual maturity was 51.6% in females measuring 7.1~8.0 cm in shell height, and 100% in those > 10.1 cm. The total number of egg capsules per individual and the mean number of eggs in an egg capsule were 192~382 and 500, respectively. However, the number of eggs per individual and sizes of egg capsules under lower salinity and deficient food conditions in the closed slag deposit area were smaller than those under the optimum salinity and sufficient food conditions in the open regions. Fecundities of the species were approximately from 96,000 to 191,000 eggs/individual with two to low broods(spawning frequencies) during the spawning season. The duration of development in egg capsules was 18~19 days at about 18~2. R. venosa is a species whose embryos hatch as veliger larvae, not juvenile snail. The sex ratio of female : male was not significantly different from 1 : 1(= 0.23, p>0.05).