Soybean is a major source of protein meal in the world. Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein is responsible for the inferior nutritional quality of unheated or incompletely heated soybean meal. The objective of this research was to identify RAPD markers linked to KTI protein allele using bulked segregant analysis. Cultivar Jinpumkong2 (TiTi) was crossed with C242 (titi, absence of KTI protein) and F. seeds were planted. The F1 . plants were grown in the greenhouse to produce F2 seeds. Each F2 seed from F1 . plants was analysed electrophoretically to determine the presence of the KTI protein band. The present and absent bulks contained twenty individuals each, which were selected on the basis of the KTI protein electrophoresis, respectively. Total 94 F2 individuals were constructed and 1,000 Operon random primers were used to identify RAPD primers linked to the Ti locus. The presence of KTI protein is dominant to the lack of a KTI protein and Kunitz trypsin inhibit protein band is controlled by a single locus. Four RAPD primers (OPAC12, OPAR15, OPO12, and OPC08) were linked to the Ti locus. RAPD primer OPO12 was linked to Ti locus, controlling kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein at a distance of 16.0 cM. This results may assist in study of developing fine map including Ti locus in soybean.