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Effects of Manganese Exposure on the Testis Function and Serum Prolactin Concentration in Rat KCI 등재

망간 노출이 흰쥐의 정소기능과 혈청 프로락틴 농도에 미치는 영향

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/1458
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Development & Reproduction (발생과 생식)
한국발생생물학회 (The Korea Society Of Developmental Biology)

망간은 정소 독성을 나타내며, 뇌기저핵에 작용하여 혈청 프로락틴의 농도를 증가시킨다. 그리고 혈청 프로락틴 농도 상승에 의한 과프로락틴혈증(hyperprolactinemia)은 정소의 정자 생성을 억제한다. 본 연구에서는 망간의 전신 노출이 흰쥐 정소의 정자 생산과 혈청 프로락틴 농도에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 실험동물을 대조군 과 망간 노출군 (Mn )으로 나누고, 노출군은 다시 노출 기간에 따라 4주와 13주 노출군 등 4군으로 분류하였다(n=

This study aimed to examine the testis toxicities of metal compound, manganese (Mn), which may be generated as mist or fume in the industrial sites. As well as serum prolactin (PRL) concentration was analyzed because Mn accumulation in basal ganglia up-regulates serum PRL and hyperprolactinemia consecutively induces the testis toxicity. Male F344 rats were divided into the 4 groups (2 controls and 2 Mn treated groups, n=10) on the basis of the test condition (inhalation, Mn or not) and treatment period (for 4-weeks and 13-weeks). The treatment time was 6 hr. a day, 5 days a week for the whole body. Basic tests including changes in body weight, feed rate were observed. Blood and testis Mn concentration, and testis toxicity test such as the number and deformity test of sperm were also observed. Serum PRL level was analyzed by ELISA to certify the relationship between the Mn induced increase of the serum PRL level and sperm production. Blood and testis Mn concentrations were significantly and dose-dependently increased. Sperm count was decreased in Mn-treatment groups than control in a treatment time dependent manner. Morphological analysis of cauda epidydimal sperm showed that the frequencies of morphologically abnormal sperms such as bent tail and small head were increased in the both Mn-treatment groups than control. A significant increase in serum PRL levels was found in response to Mn treatment but it was not hyperprolactinemia range. These results suggest that treatment of Mn up-regulates the serum PRL concentration and induces the testis toxicity. The No Aversed Effect Level (NOAEL) of inhaled Mn on the male rat testis may be under the .

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