A neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) has been widely used to create animal model for Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study was undertaken to examine whether depletion of brain dopamine (DA) stores with 6-OHDA can make alteration in the activities of the testicular steroidogenesis in adult rats. Young adult male rats (3 months old) were received a single dose of 6-OHDA (200 in 10 /animal) by intracerebroventricular (icv) injection, and sacrificed after two weeks. The mRNA levels of steroidogenesis-related enzymes were measured by qRT-PCRs. Serum testosterone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Single icv infusion of 6-OHDA significantly decreased the mRNA levels of CYP11A1 (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05), CYP17 (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05). There were no changes in the mRNA levels of -HSD (control:6-OHDA group= AU) and -HSD (control: 6-OHDA group= AU), though the levels tended to be decreased in the 6-OHDA treated group. Administration of 6-OHDA decreased significantly the mRNA level of StAR when compared to the level of saline-injected control animals (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05). Treatment with single dose of 6-OHDA remarkably lowered serum testosterone levels compared to the levels of control group (control:6-OHDA group=, p<0.05). Taken together with our previous study, the present study demonstrated that the activities of hypothalamus-pituitary-testis hormonal axis could be negatively affected by blockade of brain DA biosynthesis, and suggested the reduced reproductive potential might be resulted in the animals. More precise information on the testicular steroidogenic activities in PD patients and PD-like animals should be required prior to the generalization of the sex steroid hormone therapy to meet the highest standards for safety and efficacy.