본 시험은 가축분뇨와 시비시기가 추파 호밀의 생육특성, 사초수량 및 조단백질 함량에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 실시하였다. 본 시험은 처리구로 화학비료 150N 전량기비구(CFB 150), 화학비료150N분시구(CFS150), 액상돈분 150N기비구(SLB150), 액상돈분150N분시구(SLS150), 액상돈분 300N기비구(SLB300), 액상돈분 300N분시구(SLS300), 액상우분 150N기비구(CLB150), 액상우분150N분시구(CLS15
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of liquid manure source, application rate and time on the agronomic characteristics and forage yield of winter rye. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. The treatments were :