Bisphenol A(BPA)는 약한 estrogen 활성도를 보이는 화학물질로서 착상 전 배아나 태아에 영향을 미쳐, 출생 후 그들의 신체발달에 변화를 초래한다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 인체에서 임신 중기에 양수 내 BPA 농도를 측정하였으며, 측정된 농도에 따라 임신결과에 영향을 미치는지 여부를 알아보고자 하였다. 임신 15주에서 20주 사이에 유전학적 적응증으로 양수천자 검사를 시행 받았던 120명의 임신부 양수를 연구대상으로 ELISA 방법으로
Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical with weak estrogenic activity is reported to affect preimplantation embryos, fetuses and alter their postnatal development. This study amied to determine the relation between the levels of BPA in the amniotic fluid and pregnancy outcomes. ELISA was used to measure amniotic fluid BPA in 120 pregnant women who underwent genetic amniocentesis at 15~20 weeks gestation. The most common indication for amniocentesis was advanced maternal age (35 yrs or older). BPA was detected in all amniotic fluid. The range of amniotic fluid BPA concentrations was from 0.89 ng/mL to 37.13 ng/mL with a mean level of 7.24 ng/mL. We compared the means of amniotic fluid BPA concentrations according to maternal age ( vs. <35 yrs), fetal sex (male vs. female), gestational age at birth ( vs. <37 weeks), and infant birth weight ( vs. <2.5 kg). No significant differences were found in these outcomes. This is the first report of amniotic fluid BPA levels in Korean pregnant women. Our findings suggest that BPA may not affect the pregnancy outcomes such as fetal sex, preterm delivery and low birth weight. Whether prenatal exposure to BPA can have teratogenic effect on developing embryo needs to be studied.