The Effect of Addition on the Mechanical Alloying of Al
Mechanical alloying of and added ODS from elemental powders was investigated by the X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter, transmission electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The steady states of and ODS powders were reached after mechanical alloying with the condition of the ball-to-powder input ratio of 20:1 for 20 hours and 10 hours, respectively. The addition of nano-sized particles enhanced cold working and fracture, and subsequently accelerated MA of powders. DSC results of MAed powders showed four exothermic peaks at 14, 234, 337 and 385. From the high temperature X-ray diffraction analysis, it was concluded that the peaks were resulted from the recovery solution of unalloyed Al in Ni, the formation of intermediate phase NiAl, and ordering of MAed powders.