According to a statistics, a number of traffic accident by bridge pier and independent fixed object crash accident has been increased. we evaluated a car damage and passenger injury through vehicle accident reconstruction test of independent fixed object crash accident. A damage of crash accident car based on accident investigation report was similar to demage of 27km/h reconstruction test car, and therefore we can find the speed of crash accident car is 20km/h~30km/h. It is very low that the skull fracture and injury possibility of AIS 4 above in 37km/h and 27km/h reconstruction test car. It is very high that injury possibility in 70km/h reconstruction test car. Also, it is not high that impact of the driver and passenger's lower body(thigh, shin, ankle) in 37km/h and 27km/h reconstruction test car. On the other hand, it is very high that impact of head, chest and thigh of the driver and passenger in 70km/h reconstruction test car.