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새집증후군 처리를 위한 음이온 페인트 적용법에 대한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on the Anion-Paint Method on Sick House Syndrome

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/239707
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국냄새환경학회지 (Journal of Korean Society of Odor Research and Engineering)
한국냄새환경학회 (Korean Society Of Odor Research And Engineering)

A new method using anion generating paint was tested to decrease the concentration of volatile organic compound gas which is the main cause of sick house syndrome in living atmosphere. The method can be widely applied with low cost because the anion generating paint uses the cheap and abundant aluminosilicate mineral as raw materials and maintains the ability to remove the VOCs in dark condition, which was the main demerit of conventional method using TiO2 photo catalyst. The effect of raw mineral treatment on the efficiency of VOCs removal was studied by applying the prepared anion generating paint on specimen surface and monitoring the content of VOCs within controlled box for 24 hours. The content of formaldehyde and toluene was decreased by 88.9% and 72.2%, respectively. The result of field test done in actual living apartment showed the removal ability of 92.2% for formaldehyde, 10% for benzene, 95.9% for toluene, 74.4% for ethylbenzen, 73.8% for p-xylen, and 83.7% for styrene. The concentration of other VOCs were also decreased to below the standard level recommended by Ministry of Environment.

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