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다중 GPS를 이용한 EKF 기반의 실외 위치 추정 시스템 KCI 등재

EKF Based Outdoor Positioning System using Multiple GPS Receivers

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/240918
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로봇학회논문지 (The Journal of Korea Robotics Society)
한국로봇학회 (Korea Robotics Society)

In this paper, a high precision outdoor positioning system is newly proposed using multiple GPS receivers based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Typically, the GPS signal has the instantaneous errors that degrade the positioning seriously. Using the multiple GPS receivers instead of an expensive DGPS receiver, the positioning reliability and accuracy are improved in this research as a low cost solution. To incorporate the small displacement, an INS data have been tightly coupled to the GPS data, which has the inherit disadvantage of the cumulative error occurring over time. To achieve a stabilized and accurate positioning system, the multiple GPS receiver data are fused with the INS data through the EKF process. Through real navigation experiments of an outdoor mobile robot, the performance of the proposed system has been verified to be accurate comparable to DGPS system with a lower cost.

  • 최승환(Interdisciplinary Program in Robotics, Pusan University) | Choi Seung-Hwan
  • 김윤기(Electronic Engineering, Pusan University) | Kim Yun-Ki
  • 황요섭(Electronic Engineering, Pusan University) | Hwang Yo-Seop
  • 김현우(Electronic Engineering, Pusan University) | Kim Hyun-Woo
  • 이장명(Electronic Engineering, Pusan University) | Lee Jang-Myung Corresponding author