지하수양수정의위치는대수층내지하수유동과하천-대수층의상호작용에영향을미치므로효과적인지하수개발·이용 및 하천수 관리를 위해서는 개별적인 지하수 관정의 양수 위치에 따른 하천수량 변화를 정량적으로 분석하는 과정이선행되어야한다. 따라서본연구에서는경기도이천에위치한신둔천유역에대해서단일관정으로부터의지하수양수가인근 하천구간에 미치는 영향을 지표수-지하수 통합모형 SWAT-MODFLOW를 이용하여 모의, 분석하였다. 유역내에존재하는지하수관정들중임의로50개를선별하고각각의단일관정의양수로인한인접및하류부하도구간의하천수감소에미치는영향을평가하였고, 특히양수로인한하천영향판별지표로많이사용되고있는하천고갈인자및하천바닥인자의적용성을검토하였다. 각각의단일관정의지하수양수전‧후의하천유량을비교한결과양수량대비하천수감소량은작게는20%미만에서크게는90%가넘는등지역및하천-관정이격거리에따라큰차이를나타내었다. 하천고갈인자와하천바닥인자 모두 하천수감소량과는 상관성이 높지 않아 양수로 인한 하천에 미치는 영향을 판정하는 절대적인 기준이될 수는 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 하지만, 하천-관정 이격거리가 약 500 m 이내인 경우에는 하천바닥인자는 하천 영향정도를 평가하는 지표로 사용이 가능할 것으로 분석되었다.
Groundwater pumping from a well has different impacts on streamflow depletion because hydraulic properties of the aquifer and the stream bed differ depending on its location. Therefore, quantitative as- sessment of streamflow depletion due to each groundwater pumping with different well locations is needed for the effective groundwater development and streamflow management. In this study, a watershed-based surface water and groundwater integrated model, SWAT-MODFLOW was used to assess the streamflow depletion near stream reach due to groundwater pumping from a well located within the Sinduncheon watershed. The arbitrary 50 wells among the currently used groundwater pumping wells were selected within the study area and the streamflow responses to each groundwater pumping were simulated at nearby and downstream reaches. In particular, the applicability of the Stream Depletion Factor (SDF) and Stream Bed Factor (SBF), which are widely used for evaluating the degree of streamflow depletion due to groundwater pumping, was evaluated. The simulated results demonstrated that the streamflow depletion rate divided by the pumping rate significantly differ depending on well locations and distance between well and stream, showing a wide range of values from below 20% to above 90%. From the simulated results, it was found out that the SDF or the SBF can be a partial referred value but not an absolute criterion in determining whether a pumping well has a great impact on streamflow depletion or not.