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시멘트 소성로 투입 부원료·보조연료의 중금속 함량 특성 비교 KCI 등재

Comparison of Contents Characteristics of Heavy Metals in the Co-processing Waste of Cement Kiln in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/242392
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한국폐기물자원순환학회지 (Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management)
한국폐기물자원순환학회 (Korea Society Of Waste Management)

An issue of environmental pollutions has been aroused according to increases in recycling alternative raw materials and alternative fuels, which are the inputed wastes of cement kilns in Korea. Also, the infections of heavy metals in cement products on healths and environments have been issued by the National Assembly and the press. Thus, in this study, a total of 198 waste samples, 109 alternative raw material samples and 89 alternative fuel samples, which are the coprocessing wastes in eight major cement producers in Korea, are collected for two months. Then, 18 different heavy metals according to types of wastes are analyzed and the concentrations of the alternative raw materials and alternative fuels are investigated for comparing them with the foreign management guidelines. In the case of the alternative raw materials, although arsenic, cadmium, and copper do not exceed the domestic autonomy agreement guideline, lead exceeds the autonomy agreement guideline, 1,000 mg/kg. In the case of mercury, it satisfies the references of domestic guideline (2.0 mg/kg), Switzerland criteria (0.5 mg/kg), and France criteria (10.0 mg/kg). In the case of the alternative fuel, arsenic, cadmium, copper, and lead satisfy the autonomy agreement guideline, and the average content concentration of Hg represents 0.7702 mg/kg and that satisfies the references of autonomy agreement guideline (1.2 mg/kg) and France criteria (10.0 mg/kg). However, it slightly exceeds the references of Germany guideline (0.6 mg/kg) and Switzerland criteria (0.5 mg/kg). In particular, some of dust, WDF, waste synthesis resin, and purified oil show a high detection level in mercury and that leads to increase the average concentration. In addition, by investigating the concentration of heavy metals in various auxiliary wastes loaded to cement kilns in Korea, a management reference for such alternative raw materials and alternative fuels for future cement kilns in stages is proposed.

  • 전태완(국립환경과학원 자원순환연구과) | Tae wan Jeon Corresponding author
  • 정미정(국립환경과학원 자원순환연구과) | Mi-Jeong Jeong
  • 신선경(국립환경과학원 자원순환연구과) | Sun Kyeong Shin
  • 오길종(국립환경과학원 자원순환연구과) | Gil Jong Oh
  • 황동건(금강유역환경청) | Dong-Gun Hwang