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고용량 옥소 치료 시 3차원적 공간선량률 측정 및 연구 KCI 등재

The Study and Measurement of Three Dimensional Spatial Dose Rate from Radioiodine Therapy

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/242879
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology (한국방사선학회논문지)
한국방사선학회 (The Korea Society of Radiology)

고용량옥소치료시수평면, 수직면, 방위각에따라3차원적으로방출되는공간선량률을측정하였다. 정확한측정을위해기하학적구조의알루미늄틀을제작하여100 cm 거리에서, 높이(5 측정점), 방위각(8 측정점), 시간적간격(6 측정점)을각각나누어서분석하였다. 수직면상공간선량률분포는131I을경구투여24 시간후환자로부터거리100 cm , 높이100 cm 지점에서환자군평균71.85 µSv/h로가장높았다. 수분섭취를통한공간선량률감쇠정도를두그룹으로나누어실험하였다. 131I을경구투여24시간뒤거리100 cm, 높이100 cm에서공간선량률분포가A 실험군은44.9 µSv/h이고B 실험군은100.28 µSv/h이다. A 실험군이B 실험군과비교하여고용량옥소치료시수분섭취정도에따라약53 %의피폭경감효과를확인하였다.

Spatial dose rates of high dose 131I therapy patients were Measured Three dimensional (X, Y, Z) distributions. I have constructed geometrical an aluminum support structure for spatial dose meters placed in 5 different heights, 8 different azimuthal angles, 6 different time interval and distance 100 cm from High dose131I therapy patients. when the height of vertical plane Spatial dose distribution is 100 cm , the Spatial dose rates is max and the error range is low. the vertical plane Spatial dose rates was found to be 71.85 µSv/h on the average at a distance of 100 cm, height 100 cm, from the patients 24 hours after 131I oral administration. I divided 12 patients into two groups. I have analysed group A (drinking 5 L water) and group B ( drinking 3 L water) in order to measure decrease spatial dose rates. I have found the spatial distributions of patient dose rates is 44.9±7.2 µSv/h in group A and 100.3±8.1 µSv/h in group B by 24 after 131I oral administration. the reduction factor was found to be approximately 54 % through drinking 5 L water during 24 hours.

  • 장보석(부산대학교 공과대학 영상정보공학과) | Boseok Chang Corresponding Author