The neutron capture spectrum for the light nuclide was very useful to study the nuclear structure. In the present study, the capture gamma-ray from the 27-keV resonance of 19F(n,g)20F reaction were measured with an anti-Compton NaI(Tl) spectrometer and the 3-MV Pelletron accelerator of the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors at the Tokyo institute of technology. A neutron Time-of-Flight method was adopted with a 1.5 ns pulsed neutron source by the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction. In the present experiment, a Teflon((CF2)n) sample was used The sample was disk with a diameter of 90mm. The thickness of sample was determined so that reasonable counting rates could be obtained and the correction was not so large for the self-shielding and multiple scattering of neutrons in the sample, and was 5mm. The primary gamma-ray transitions were compared with previous measurement of Kenny.