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Virtual Schooling: Issues in the Development of E-Learning Policy

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/244037
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APEC국제교육협력원 (Institute of APEC Collaborative Education)

Virtual Schooling comprises a collection of essays discussing issues surrounding virtual schools seen in the American education setting. Some of the chapters are excerpts from previous publications found in Phi Delta Kappa fastbacks. The authors range from academicians, to reporters, to legislators, to school-based practitioners. My overall impressions of this book are favorable. Asian policy-makers working on virtual schools can profitably use this book as a reference to study the issues, policy concerns, and lessons learned in the context of American virtual schools. I find that most of the topics discussed are relevant to virtual schools generally. Since the book is published as a result of a symposium held by the Center on Education Policy on virtual high schools in 2002, it is apparent that the purpose of the book is to expand and broaden the discussion on policy issues relating to the establishment of whole schools operating primarily as online distance education institutions. The book is divided into two sections: Part I, From Distance Education to Virtual Schooling, offers background regarding the roots of virtual schooling; Part 2, ELearning Policy and Practicality Come of Age, assumes the core of the book.

  • Mona Masood(lecturer in the graduate program in Instructional Technology and Multimedia at Universiti Sains Penang Malaysia.)