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E-learning in the Indonesian Education System

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/244040
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APEC국제교육협력원 (Institute of APEC Collaborative Education)

Education in Indonesia is facing some major problems related to access and quality. Only about half of the eligible children are enrolled in school at the junior secondary level and only one-third at the senior secondary level. Regarding quality, large proportions of students fail to meet the cutoff scores in various subjects at all levels in school completion examinations. ICT is viewed as a potential contributor to solutions for these problems. In terms of government policy for ICT, Telematika which refers to the utilization of ICT in various sectors and aspects of life, was established based on a presidential decree, and Telematika Pendidikan (utilization of ICT in education) has been developed, and a five-year action plan was implemented in the years 2001 to 2005. The success of Telematika depends on the availability of appropriate infrastructure. Currently, Indonesia has 8 million Internet users (about 3% of the population); other statistics show that the ICT infrastructure is less extensive compared with neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. In addition, Internet access costs are still prohibitive in Indonesia. The implementation of E-Learning in Indonesian education can be viewed as a supplement, a complement, or a substitute for the traditional teaching-learning process. To date some subjects of the senior secondary school and vocational school curriculum have been developed in the form of E-Learning as a substitute for face-to-face instruction. In the near future this will be expanded to some subjects of the junior secondary school curriculum. At the tertiary education level, there are some universities that have implemented E-Learning, especially as a supplement for their regular teaching-learning process. In regard to extending access into schools, the Ministry of National Education has been piloting Open Senior Secondary School in seven districts of six provinces by implementing E-Learning.

  • Mohammad Ali(professor in the department of instructional technology and dean of the Faculty of Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia)