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Integrating ICTs into Education: Lessons Learned. A Collective Case Study of Six Asian Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/244046
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APEC국제교육협력원 (Institute of APEC Collaborative Education)

The Internet, as a general utility for carrying information and communication technologies, provides a vehicle for the unprecedented availability of information. The global proliferation of the Internet and the increasing speeds of transmission mean that information is available anywhere in world, at the time and place of one’s choice, and in a manner that encourages individual exploration (Tomlinson-Keasey, 2002). For educators, information and communication technology (ICT), including the Internet, holds the promise of not only greater access but also higher quality learning materials provided to students at a lower cost, coupled with the possibility of a more learnercentered paradigm of instruction. Meanwhile, technological and economic development has placed greater demands on education systems in many countries, calling for people who are more adaptable to change, more innovative and creative, and better able to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems. Are Asian and Pacific countries meeting these challenges? This UNESCO publication, Integrating ICT into Education, clearly supports the claim that ICT has been embraced in education, at least in the six economies examined, and has made an impact on education systems. A wealth of experiences, good practices, and lessons has been generated for the benefit of others in the region. The purpose of this book is (1) to describe lessons learned in integrating ICT programs based on based on the experiences of six Asian countries— Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand—and (2) to synthesize and analyze ICT integration experiences in connection with specific lessons learned and highlight best practices and the need for further improvements.

  • Jaesam Chung(Professor of Educational Technology at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea)