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제4급 인산염을 이용한 과염소산 이온선택성 PVC막 전극의 전극전위와 AC 임피던스 특성 KCI 등재

Characteristics of Electrode Potential and AC Impendance of Perchlorate Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Quaternary Phosphonium Salts in PVC Membranes

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/244332
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멤브레인 (Membrane Journal)
한국막학회 (The Membrane Society Of Korea)

운반체(감응물질)로 제 4급 인산염을 사용하여 PVC를 지지체로 하여 과염소산이온의 농도 10-6 M까지 선형적인 이온선택성 전극을 제작하였다. 운반체의 화학적구조와 함량 가소제의 종류 및 막 두께에 따른 전극의 기울기 선형응답범위 및 한계측정농도 등 전극전위특성을 고려하여 최적의 과염소산 이온선택성 PVC막 전극을 제조한 다음 측정 가능한 pH 범위 선택계수 및 전극의 교류임피던스 특성을 비교 검토하였다 운반체로 tetraoctyl-phosphonium perchlorate(TOPP) tetraphenylphosphonium perchlorate(TPPP) 및 tetrabutylphosponium perchlorate (TBPP) 등의 제 4급 인산염의 과염소산 이온 치환체를 사용하였다 알킬기의 탄소고리 수가 증가할수록 전극특성은 TBPP, 선형응답범위 10-1×10-6 M 및 한계측정농도는 9.66×10-7 M 이었으며 시판되고 있는 Orion 전극특성보다 좋은 결과를 나타내었다 전극전위는 pH3~11범위에서 ph의 영향을 받지 않았으며 CIO4 에 대한 방해이온의 선택계수 서열은 SO24 < F < Br < I 이었다 임피던스 측정결과 TOPP의 경우 등가회로는 용액저항 이중층용량과 벌크저항의 병렬 및 Warburg 임피던스의 직렬이었다 이 경우 용액저항은 거의 나타나지 않았고 확산에 의한 Warburg 임피던스는 크게 나타났으며 Warburg 계수는 1.32×1074 Ω cdot cm2/s1/2이었다.

Perchlorate ion-selective electrodes in PVC membranes that respond linearly to concentration 106 M were developed by incorporating the quaternary phosphonium salts as a canier. The effects of the chemical structure, the contents of canier, the kind of plasticizer and the membrane thickness on electrode characteristics such as the electrode slope, the linear respone range and the detection limit were studied. With this results, the detectable pH range, selectivity coefficients and AC impedance characteristics were compared and investigated. The perchlorate ion substituents of the quaternary phosphonium salts like tetraoctylphosphonium perchlorate (TOPP) , tetraphenylphosphonium perchlorate(TPPP), and tetrabutylphosphonium perchlorate(TBPP) as a canier were used. The electrode characteristics were better in the ascending order of TBPP < TPPP < TOPP, with the increase of carbon chain length of the alkyl group. Dioctylsebacate(OOS) was best as a plasticizer, the canier contents were better with 11.76 wt% and the optimum membrane thickness was 0.19 mm. Under the above condition, the electrode slope was 56.58 mV/PClO4,the linear response range was 10-1×10-6 M, the detection limit was 9.66 x 10-7 M. The performance of electrode was better than Orion electrode. The electrode potential was stable within the pH range from 3 to 11. The order of the selectivity coefficients for the perchlorate ion was sol < F < Br < 1. With the result of impedance spectrum, it was found that the equivalent circuit for the electrode could be expressed by a series combination of solution resistance, parallel circuit consisting of the double layer capacitance and bulk resistance and Warburg impedance. And solution resistance was almost not appeared and Warburg impedance was highly appeared by diffusion. Then Warburg coefficient was 1.32×1074 Ω cdot cm2/s1/2.

  • 안형환(충주대학교 안전공학과) | Hyung一Hwan An
  • 김경민(명지대학교 화학공학과) | Kyung-Min Kim
  • 강안수(명지대학교 화학공학과) | An-Soo Kang