기질 고분자인 sulfonated PEEK (sPEEK)와 가교제(cross-linking reagent) 4,4'-ethyldianiline (EdAn), 그래프트제(grafting reagent) 2-phenylethylamine (PEA)을 용매 dimethylacetamide (DMAc)에 녹여 용매증발법을 이용하여 제막하였다. 이민화 반응(imination)과 술폰화(sulfonation) 과정을 거쳐 최종 이온교환막인 cross-linked and grafted sPEEK (CG-sPEEK)막을 제조하였다. FT-IR 분석을 통해 술폰화 및 이민화 반응여부를 확인할 수 있었다. Proton conductivity와 water uptake, volume change를 측정하여 상용화된 Nafion115와 비교함으로써 이온교환막으로서의 활용가능성을 평가하였다. 제조된 CG-sPEEK막의 proton conductivity (0.17 S/cm) 값이 Nafion115 (0.10 S/cm) 보다 우수하게 나타나 이온교환막으로서의 적용가능성을 보여주었다. 다만 높은 water uptake (130%)는 CG-sPEEK의 치수안정성을 위해서 저감시킬 필요가 있다.
A nascent membrane was prepared by using the solution evaporation method with a solution of sPEEK, EdAn (cross-linking reagent), and PEA (grafting reagent) in DMAc. Then, after the imination and sulfonation process the cross-linked and grafted ion-exchange membrane, CG-sPEEK, was obtained. The sulfonation and imination reactions were confirmed by FTIR analysis. In order to evaluate the possibility of prepared membrane for the use of an ion-exchange membrane in PEMFC, proton conductivity, water uptake and volume change were measured and compared with a commercial membrane, Nafion 115. It was revealed that since the proton conductivity (0.17 S/cm) of prepared membrane were much higher than those of Nafion 115 (0.10 S/cm) the prepared membrane could be used for the ion-exchange membrane in PEMFC. However, the high water uptake (130%) of CG-sPEEK should be reduced for the dimension stability.