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정부출연연구기관 연구원의 안전의식 실태 및 제고방안 KCI 등재후보

Status of Researchers' Safety Consciousness and It's Improvement Measures in Government-Supported Research Institutes

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/245991
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

The statistics of the safety accidents in labs show that the biggest reason for them is researchers' carelessness and insecure actions. In this way, the safety accidents in labs are affected a lot by researchers' safety consciousness. Therefore, in order to prevent the safety accidents in labs, this study aims at measuring the degree of researchers' safety consciousness, grasping the elements affecting their safety consciousness and suggesting the measures to improve the lacking safety consciousness. To accomplish this goal, a survey was conducted and analyzed on the safety consciousness of 1,226 researchers working at 10 government- supported research institutes in Daedeok R&D Complex. As a results, the measures to improve researchers' safety consciousness will be suggested as follows. First, in an environmental aspect, improvement of labs' environment exposed to danger, interest and participation of CEO, regular discussion on the safety in labs, installment of safety equipments in labs, and enlargement of individual labs are necessary. Second, in an educational aspect, the safety education offered by institutes need to be enhanced, experiential safety education fit for the characteristics of research should be applied, the time for safety education must be observed, and the communication among team members through the collective education in department units and safe culture through the campaigns to enhance safety consciousness have to be established. Third, in a systematic aspect, sanctions have to be imposed on the researchers who do not attend safety education, the number of safety supervisors and safety budget of labs should be increased, a safety certification system need to be introduced when a lab is built, the problems in safety have to be open to all departments and rewards for the persons of merit in labs should be extended.

  • 김경천 | Kim, Kyung-Chun
  • 이동형 | Lee, Dong-Hyung