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A Wavelet-based Yarn Quality Assessment for Fabric Visual Qualities KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/246311
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감성과학 (Korean Journal of the science of Emotion & sensibility)
한국감성과학회 (The Korean Society For Emotion & Sensibility)

Random and/or periodic defects occur in all spun yarns. These irregularities can often lead to defects in finished fabric. Yarn evenness tests are used to obtain statistical data about yarn properties, such as CV%, which is useful in comparing several sets of similar data that differ in mean value but may have some commonality in relative variation. Although this statistical data is helpful in determining relative yam quality, accurate predictions of how the yarn will appear in fabric form are still difficult to obtain. As an promising alterative, wavelet analysis has been employed to localize yarn defect so as to predict the visual qualities of the fabrics.

  • Joo-Yong Kim
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