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황토와 광물성 한약재의 적조구제 특성에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study of Removal Property of Harmful Algal Blooms by Hwangto and Oriental Mineral Medicines

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/247717
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광물과 암석 (Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology)
한국광물학회 (The Mineralogical Society Off Korea)

황토와 황토 구성 물질 중 철과 알루미늄 함량을 지배하는 점토광물과 철산화광물을 주성분으로 하는 광물약에 대한 적조제거 효율을 조사하여 유효성분을 탐색하였다. 적조생물의 구제효과실험은 F2배지 내에서 배양한 C. polykrikoides에 황토와 광물약을 10 g/L 기준으로 살포하고, 0, 10, 30 및 60분의 시간별로 살아있는 개체수를 광학현미경을 이용하여 3회 이상(3~5회) 계수하였으며, 동일한 실험을 3번 반복하여 그 값의 평균 백분율(%)로 표시하였다. 황토의 적조구제효과 실험결과, 5종의 황토 중 철과 알루미늄 함량이 가장 높은 A 황토의 적조구제효율이 99%(60분 경과)로 가장 높게 나타났다. 점토 함유 광물약 중 적석지가 60분경과 시 92%의 제거효율로 가장 높은 구제효율을 보였으며, 감토(91%)〉백석지(89%)〉수운모(81%) 순의 제거효율을 보인다. 철함유광물약 중 미립의 토상 대자석이 30분 경과 시 100%, 우여량은 60분경과 시 95%의 높은 제거효율을 보인다. 특히 미립의 토상 대자석은 황토의 10%인 1 g/L 투여 시에도 60분 경과 시에 100%의 높은 제거효율을 나타내었다. 또한, 적조 구제기작은 흡착-팽창-연쇄군체 분리-살조로 구분될 수 있다.

This study was carried out to find a new material having high removal efficiency for the harmful red tide. C. polykrikoides grow very fast and accumulate into dense and visible patches near the surface of the seawater ('Water bloom'). Some mineral medicines and Hwangto (reddish soil consist of clay minerals and Fe-oxides) were used in this study to remove C. polykrikoides. The pre-determined sprinkling ratio of mineral vs. seawater which contains approximately 5,000 cells/mL of C. polykrikoides was 10 g/L. In order to quantify the removal efficiency, the density of living cells was measured by counting with the Intervals of 0, 10, 30, and 60 minutes after sprinkling. Five Hwangtos feom different localities were examined in this study. It is found that a material with a high concentration of Fe and Al was the most effective to remove C. polykrikoides. After the sprinkling of the Hwangto showing the best removal efficiency in the test, 99% of total algaes were found to be eliminated within 60 minutes. Jeokeokji showed the highest removal efficiency among clay mineral medicines(92% removal efficiency after 60 minutes), and the rests in decreasing order are as follows: Gamto (91%) 〉 Baekseokji (89%) 〉 Hydromica (81%). In addition, Fe-oxide mineral medicine similarly looking as fine-grained earthy Daejaseok showed 100% removal efficiencyafter 30 minutes, and Wooyoeryang, 95% after 60 minutes. It is noted that even little addition (1 g/L) of Daejaseok, 10% of Hwangto concentration into seawater showed the removal efficiency of 100% after 60 minutes. From the results, it could be concluded that the fine-grained earthy Daejaseok was the most effective natural mineral medicine to remove the C. polykrikoides from seawater. Under the microscope the removal mechanism was found to be activated in the following order: adsorption, swelling of chain colony, chain colony crisis and algaecide.

  • 김필근 | Kim, Pil-Geun
  • 성규열 | Sung, Kyu-Youl
  • 장영남 | Jang, Young-Nam
  • 박맹언 | Park, Maeng-Eon