A Study on the Institutional Aspects of Rural Spatial Planning System
The drastic change of spatial structure in rural area and the recent rural development policies(related to settlement reorganization and plot rearrangement) make the rural space planning more important than ever. So this paper tries to evaluate the institutional aspects of rural spatial planning system focused on planning area. land use classification and hierachical order between existing plans. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the rural planning areas are classified into 4-tiers(e.g., Gun, Myon, District, Village). Second, the rural land use planning has 3-tiers(e.g., macro, mediate and micro zoning) from the viewpoint of land use classification system, but it doesn't have mediate-micro zoning system. Third, the spatial plans in rural area, positioned in local planning, were categorized into regional planning system and land use planning system. However there's no linkage between both sides of each hierachial planning order.