A Study on the Directions of Effective Farmland Use Planning
The initiative to determine farmland use has been transferred to local side under the decentralized government system in Korea. New Land Act and Rural Development Act support it. Changes in external and internal environments of Korean agriculture require to diversify farmland use. Lpcal development plan may be implemented when specific farmland use plan is prepared. However, (armland use planning has not been prepared by the local governments yet. This study aims to identify problems encountered in current farmland use and suggest directions of effective and reasonable farmland use planning relevant to local conditions. Questionnaire method was used to prove topographical differences of community land demand, Statistical analyses show that farmers desire to utilize marginal farmland for income increase. Growing grass(42.0%) and cash crops(41.7%) was greatly demanded by them. They were generally eager for developing touristic farm (52.1 % ). By topographical characteristics, the eager was greatest in coastal areas, on the contrary, it was relatively low in mountainous areas. There were more farmers who want to expand their farmland in rice farming(48.4%) or rice-horticulture farming(46.9%) areas. Potential retirer among farmers were most in suburban areas, However, it was expected that there would be the highest retirement rate in rice farming areas because of the high rate of aged farmers. Farmland use planning should be incorporated into food production policies and community people's needs for income increase and life improvement. Agriculture promotion areas must be maintained for scale optimized farming and cash crop farming as much as possible. However, minimum portion for other uses in each village or farming community unit should be adopted. Less favored areas will have to be utilized for both agriculture and non-agriculture uses. Priority can be put into touristic resorts as a non-agriculture use. Furthermore, such areas can be used for sustainable agriculture as well as for residence, industry, animal breeding.