This study examines the rural village planning in North Korea after the Liberation of Korea in 1945. For conducting this study, the creation of rural villages in North Korea were investigated according to the following periods: from the Liberation of Korea to the outbreak of the Korean War, from the end of the Korean War to the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. In this study, major rural villages were also examined and common characteristics of rural village-making in North Korea were analyzed. The following are the findings from this study. In rural village planning, historic revolutionary sites and buildings, where revolutionary achievements of Kim, Ill-Sung and Kim, Jung-Ill were reached, are well preserved and actively created. (2) Rural villages are intended to be a place for ideological education, productive activities and cultural refreshment. (2) In rural village-making, inclined planes are utilized, in consideration of climatic and topographic conditions. (4) The construction of residential areas with modern private houses is considered to be important in the making of socialistic and communist rural communities in North Korea. (5) For economic reasons, existing villages, buildings and facilities are preserved and local building materials are broadly used.