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소규모 농업용 저수지의 통관 방류량 및 수질 측정 KCI 등재

Monitoring of Outlet Discharge and Water Quality from a Small Agricultural Reservoir

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/248367
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농촌계획 (Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning)
한국농촌계획학회 (Korean Society Of Rural Planning)

This study was carried out to measure the amount of outlet discharge and analyse the water quality from an agricultural reservoir. Joongpyong reservoir was selected as the monitoring site. Daily discharge was determined by measured water level data of delivery canal and the stage-discharge relation curve. The measured water discharge through culvert outlet of Joongpyong reservoir was 593,200m3 which was equivalent to irrigation depth 1,186mm during irrigation period in 1999. And water samples were taken from the surface water of reservoir and delivery canal, periodically. Temporal variation of water quality constituents such as water temperature, pH, EC, total nitrogen, total phosphorus were investigated. The result showed that pH was ranged 6.9 7.8, total nitrogen 1.39 4.11mg/L, total phosphorus 0.007 0.036 mg/L, respectively.

  • 최진규 | Choi, Jin-Kyu
  • 손재권 | Son, Jae-Gwon
  • 구자웅 | Koo, Ja-Woong
  • 윤광식 | Yoon, Kwang-Sik
  • 김영주 | Kim, Young-Ju
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