This study aims to build a model dealing with the location decision of new manufacturing firms and their land demand. The model is composed with 1) the binary logit model structure identifying a future probability of manufacturing firms to locate in a city and their land demand; and 2) the land use suitability of the land demand. The model was empirically tested in the case of Anseong City. We used establishment-level data for the manufacturing industry from the Report on Mining and Manufacturing Survey. 48 industry groups were scrutinized to find the location probability in the city and their land demand via logit model with the dependent variables: number of employment, land capital, building capital, total products, and value-added for a new industry since 2001. It is forecasted that the future land areas (to 2025) for the manufacturing industries in the city are 5.94km2 and additional land demand for clustering the existing industries scattered over the city is 2.lkm2. Five industrial complex locations were identified through the land use suitability analysis.