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CVM을 이용한 전통민속마을의 보전가치평가 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on Conservative Value Evaluation for the Ethnic Villages by Contingent Valuation Method

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/248658
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농촌계획 (Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning)
한국농촌계획학회 (Korean Society Of Rural Planning)

The Ethnic Villages which are designated as a cultural property in Korea are important factors to recognize how the living environment was and to represent uniqueness should be preserved in Korea. For these reasons, this study investigates the Ethnic Villages in Korea and evaluates the economic values of the Ethnic Villages using CVM(contingent valuation method) which has been knows as one of the practical methods in the field of environmental economics. The results of this study indicate that the economic value of the Ethnic Villages for conservation and maintenance is 27,430 won per household/month, and this can be converted into 19,398 hundred million won per one year. This results proves validity of this study compared to the maintenance cost conserving the Ethnic Village of the Cultural Heritage Administration. It can be used as a policy basis to raise finances for conserving the Ethnic Village needed additional support.

  • 강영은(서울대학교 대학원) | Kang, Young-Eun Corresponding author
  • 안동만(서울대학교 조경․지역시스템공학부) | Ahn, Tong-Mahn