The purpose of this paper is to estimate a probability to visit the Yeosu Aquarium with an ordered logit model. Ordered logit model is affordable to estimate the probability when the dependant variable represents likert-type scale. The estimated results are as follows. The more income induces the visiting-expectation. The experience for another aquarium and the visiting-expectation for the Yeosu EXPO are contributed to the visiting-expectation for the Yeosu Aquarium. The needs to visit the Yeosu Aquarium is low in Kyoungsang area and Seoul-Kyounggi-Incheun Metropolitan area. This is related to the Aquarium facilities, which were established in each area. In average level conditions regarding to all independent variables the probability to visit the Yeosu Aquarium is calculated to 15.75%. However, the probability to visit to the Yeosu Aquarium is decreasing according to the change of an admission fee.