단호박의 억제재배시 착과율 향상 및 유인노력 절감을 위한 한라산 중산간지(해발 600m) 육묘 효과를 검토 하였다. 정식직전 묘의 T/R율은 평지 육묘 9.5로 도장된 경향을 보였으나 중산간지 육묘에서는 5.4로 건실한 묘 생육을 보였다. 육묘 지역에 따른 1번 암꽃의 착생 위치는 평지 육묘 26.0마디에 비하여 중산간지 육묘 19.4마디로 크게 낮아졌으며 2번 암꽃 및 그 이후에 착생되는 암꽃들도 평지 육묘에 비하여 3~5마디 아래에서 착생되어 유인노력을 20% 정도 절감할 수 있었다. 2번과 착과율은 중산간지 육묘 17.2%로 평지 육묘 1.4%에 비하여 16%정도향상 되었다. 상품 수량의 경우 평지 육묘 3,500kg/10a에 비하여 중산간지 4,460kg/10a로 27%가 증가하여 한라산 중산간지를 이용한 여름철 육묘 효과가 크게 나타났다.
This study was carried out to determine the effect of raising seedling at Hallasan area of sub-alpine (altitude of 600m above sea level) to improve fruiting.ate of Squash (Cucurbita maxima) in retarding culture. 'Ebis' cultivar was seeded in plug tray of 32 cells and the seedlings were grown for 25 days. They were transplanted on August 26, 2004, following L-stem training method under rain-shielding condition. Seedling height, number of nodes and leaf area were higher in lowland than in sub-alpine area. T/R ratio of seedling in sub-alpine was much lower as compared with that in the lowland. The first fruiting was on the 19th node in sub-alpine area, and on the 26th node in the lowland area(control). The succeeding fruiting nodes were lower by 3 to 5 node than those of control. Fruiting rate of second flower was improved by 17.2% compared with the 1.4% in control. The marketable yield was increased by 27% by raising seedling in sub-alpine area (4,460 kg/10a). This also brought out 20% labour saving effect. The environmental condition for raising seedling in the sub-alpine area of Hallasan was effective for the improvement of Squash (Cucurbita maxima) fruiting rate compared with lowland area.