본 연구는 몇 가지 채소(비트, 쑥갓, 상추, 케일, 무, 시금치, 단옥수수, 토마토)의 제염효과를 알아보기 위해 인위적으로 처리한 염류 집적 토양에서 재배후 작물 생육과 토양내 염류 함량을 조사하였다. 채소작물별 초장으로 본 생육은 EC 5dS·m-1의 염류토양에서 상추와 쑥갓의 생육이 가장 크게 억제되었다. EC 5dS·m-1수준의 염류토양에서 EC 잔존율은 토마토, 옥수수, 케일 순으로 낮았으며 비료 성분별 제염효과는 NO3의 경우는 옥수수, 토마토, 케일, K는 옥수수, 토마토, 비트, P2O5는 옥수수와 토마토가 가장 우수하였다. 제염효과는 재배기간이 60일이었던 토마토, 옥수수가 가장 우수하였으나, 염류토양 재배시 수확물의 상품성 저하와 재배시기 주작물 재배시기와 겹치는 문제가 있고, 생체중당 제염효과는 낮았다. 이에 반해 케일은 재배기간 30일로 짧고, 생육억제효과가 적으며, 생체중당 제염효과가 가장 우수하여 제염효과가 있는 전작 작물로 적합하리라 사료된다.
This study was conducted to investigate the desalinizing effect of some vegetable crops (beet, crown daisy, kale, lettuce, spinach, sweet com, and tomato) in salinized soil. The soil was treated with highly concentrated nutrient solutions and the growth of these crops was compared and soil salinity was monitored. The plant height of lettuce and crown daisy inhibited severely in with EC 5dS·m-1 salinized soil. Soil EC level was the lowest in soil where tomato was cultivated followed by corn and kale. The residual level of NO3 was higher in soils used for cultivation of corn, tomato, and kale, that of K was higher in soils used for cultivation of corn, tomato, and beet, and That of P2O5 was higher in soils used for cultivation of corn and tomato. Although the desalinizing effect was greatest by tomato and corn after 60 days of cultivation. Quality of the these crops was low and the cultivation periods of these crops overlapped with that of the main crops. Kale, on the other hand showed less growth inhibition in salinized soil, greatest desalinating effect based on fresh weight. In addition this crop only needs 30 days of cultivation period. Therefore, kale was most efficient crop in desalinizing considering crop quality, a short cultivation period, and nonoverlapping cultivation time with the main crops.