In vitro Propagation of Junos Orange (Citrus junos Sieb.) through Nucellar Polyembroid Cultures
An in vtro nucellar polyembryo propagation method was established with mature seed of the Citrus junos Sieb. 7-8 nucellar polyembryos per seed were induced on MS basal medium without plant growth regulators. The polyembryos developed to complete plantlets on teatment with IBA. These shoots grew further in MS medium without plant growth regulators. Rooting of shoots occurred on MS medium supplemented with IBA. These plantlets were successfully transplanted to small plastic pot containing soil mixture. Somatic embryos were induced from nucellar polyembryo and maturation occurred spontaneously from proliferating cultures on MS medium without growth regulators. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker analysis of in vitro and in vivo grown junos orange showed identical polymorphism indicative of their genetic stability. The RAPD polymorphism produced revealed same banding pattern in each regenerant. Hence, propagaton of junos orange by nucellalr polyembryos was efficient and produced in genetically stable plants under in vitro conditions.