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음향집어기의 집어 효과 KCI 등재

Effects an Acoustical Equipment on the Luring of Fish School

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/255770
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수산해양기술연구 (Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology)
한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) (The Korean Society of Fisheriers and Ocean Technology)

음향집어에 관한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 정치망내의 수중환경소음과 방성음의 분포 및 집어효과를 실험, 분석하였고, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 수중환경 소음 및 방성음의 중심주파수대는 각각 150Hz~400Hz, 400Hz~1000Hz이고, 음압준위는 원통, 헛통, 장등, 비탈그물의 순으로 , 비탈그물, 원통, 헛통, 장등의 순으로 각각 높았다. 양망작업중의 수중소음은 양망개시후 시간의 경과에 따라 음압준위가 높아지나 양망의 마무리 단계에서는 오히려 낮아졌다. 2. 본 실험에서 제작한 방성장치로서 정치망어포부내에 방성한 결과, 초기에는 어군이 방성기주변으로 모여드는 반응을 나타내었으나, 약 30분이 경과하면서 이러한 반응은 약화되었다. 그리고 방성시간과 휴지시간의 간격보다는 방성음압에 군락이 더 민감하였다. 3. 일본에서 제작된 음향집어기(Dainy 0-8)로 해상에서 방성시험을 하여 본 결과, 대체로 방성개시후 약 20분에 어군이 모여들고 방성을 멈추면 곧 흩어졌다. 유집된 어군은 선박교통소음의 환경을 많이 받는 것으로 나타났다. 정치망입구 근처의 장등에 음향집어기를 설치하여 방성하였을 경우와 방성하지 않았을 경우에 대한 어획량이 방성하지 않았을 때에 비하여 약 3~5배 많은 것으로 나타났다.

A field experiment was carried out to clarify the effect of underwater sound on the luring of fish school. The effects of. the acoustic emission on the luring of fish school were checked actually at a set net fishing site in Namhae using a commercial acoustic equipment, Dairyo-8. An emitting system of sound was designed by the authors, and the ambient noise, the sound pressure level and the reaction of fish school were measured in the set net. 1. The predominent frequency band of ambient noise was 150Hz-400Hz,.and the sound emitted was 400Hz-100Hz. The sound pressure level of ambient noise in set net was higher at the landing part, and lower at the playgrond, the gate of court and "the enterance of inclined "passage. The ambient noise was increased with the time elapse-d at the stage of hauling net, but :it was decreased suddenly at the final stage due probably to the decrease of the swimming speed of the fish school. 2. The results of the observation and the recording paper of echo sounder indicate that the effect of emitting sound in the bag net of set net was remarkable for the luring of fish school in the early stage, but decreased after 30 minutes. The reaction of fish school is more sensitiv2 to the sound pressure level than the time intervals between the emission and the pause. For the purpos~ of practical use, it is nesessary to confirm what kind of sound pressure level is the best for the luring of fish school. 3. In response to the acoustic equipment(Dairyo-8), fish school started to swarm 20 minutes after the sound emission and scattered when the sound paused. As the emitting pattern of the acoustic equiment, the three seconds of emission after one second of pause was more effective than the continuous emission at the set net fishing ground. Catch of the fish(s during th~ sound ernissio:l at the gate of court was three to five times more than that of no emission.

  • 장선덕