The Pattern of Sea Water Circulation in Kamak Bay
A studies on the pattern of sea water circulation was carried out by using drogue experiments, tidal current measurement and hydrographic data in Kamak Bay which has two channels. At the flood, the water inflowed from the northern narrow channel flows mostly to the southward then the westward because Daekyung-island located at the flow path, at the same time the water from the southern channel of bay directed strongly to the north with a spine centered at around Gunnaeri. And these waters converged at the area between eng-Island and Deakyung-Island in the bigining of the flow, and placed at less southern part than the area at the late. The water of the north west inner bay having concave bottom topography inflows to Najin inlet with a spin of anti-clockwise. At the ebb, those waters in the bay turn back to two channels respectively, but most of waters directed to the southern channel of the bay. The directions of residual current of two channels are the southward mainly, and the current of inner area are influenced by the prevailing wind. The north-west inner bay which has the weak tidal current less than 10 cm/sec shows a similar upwelling by off-shore wind in winter, and the stratification in summer, respectively.