Calibration of hydrophone Coordinates by the Telemetry techniques
The accuracy of the position fixing with telemetry techniques depends in general on the accuracy of the location of the receiving point(hydrophone). To increase the accuracy of the coordinates of four hydrophones suspended down at both sides of the vessel anchored, each hydrophone motion is compensated using a depth pinger mounted on the seabed of 30m depth. The pinger location is calculated with a hyperbolic method. Using this technique so called hydrophone coordinates calibration, the movement of the Remotely Operated Vehicle(ROV), which has the same type of pinger mentioned above could be tracked down more accurately. Under the maximum variation ranges of a hydrophone of 5.2m in athwartships, 3.2m in alongship, and about 0.2m/s of the moving velocity in both directions, the ROV track with calibration is more close to the reality than that without calibration Tow depth pingers of same frequency can be distinguished by the use of three factors; The pulse period, the phase and the pulse period variation allowed in acquisition of the pinger as far as its pulse period is varied in smooth