This paper describes about the behavior of the Striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) in the setnet by telemetry techniques. The telemetry system consists of a pinger of 50KHz, three omni-directional hydrophones and ultrasonic receivers, a single board computer for the signal processing, two RF transceivers for the data comunication and a personnel computer. The fish tagged the pinger was tracked by the LBL method, and its location was calculated by the hyperbolic method. The fish escaped from sea surface to 7m deep right after release and had been swum near the sea surface after 30 minutes being released. Also, in horizontal movements, the fish stayed long time around the enterance of the square net in setnet, and showed the escaping behavior repeatly. The average speed of the fish was about 0.41m/sec(1.1 times of the body length)