우리나라 연안 해역의 패류 양식장과 마을어장에 서식하는 불가사리를 효율적으로 구제하기위하여 자루걸레형과 썰매형 구제 기구를 설계, 제작하여 1995년 4월부터 5월까지 경상남도 거제시 장목면 유로리 연안에서 민간 형망어선 (복성호, 4.95톤)을 사용하여 구제 기구별 포획 성능과 예인 거리에 따른 포획 효율을 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 자루걸레형과 썰매형 구제 기구는 해저의 암초에 걸리지 않고 계속 예인하면서 불가사리를 구제할 수 있었고, 적정 예인 거리는 300~500m였다. 썰매형에 의한 불가사리류의 포획비율은 57%로 자루걸레형의 43%보다 다소 우수 하였으나 어패류의 흔획 포획비율은 자루걸레형보다 21배 정도 높았다. 썰매형은 자갈인 암초가 산재된 마을어장에 적합한 밤년, 자루걸레형은 어패류의 흔획과 유용 패류에 상처를 입힐 수 있는 면적이 작아 패류 양삭장에 효과적이었다.
In order to exterminate effectively starfish, Asterias amurensis inhabited a village fishing grounds and shellfish farms on coast of Korea, Mop and sledge gear were made and sea trials for capture efficiency of starfish by each gear and towing distance were carried out by commercial dredger on the coast of Keojedo from April to May in 1995. As Starfish mop and sledge were slowly dragged over the bottom at the same time, starfish became entangled in bunches of twine and netting respectively. The gears were hauled up at intervals to remove the starfish and hand-picking operations on vessel were conducted. The results obtained are as follows : Two gears were smoothly slidden over the sea bottom and captured numerous starfish. The optimal towing distance by each gear was 300 to 500 m.The capture efficiency of starfish species by sledge was 57% compared with 43% of that by mop but mixed rate with fish or shellfish of the former was 21 times as high as that of the letter. It was concluded from sea trials that moping was effective in shellfish farms, because the mop outfit causes little damage to useful shellfishes and the mixture of starfish with fish or shellfish was low, whereas sledging can be used to clean uncultivated areas free of shellfish where starfish population is very heavy and common fishing grounds in which bottom material is rock or gravel.