This study was performed to estimate the swimming velocity of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) migrated offshore Funka Bay of Hokkaido using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (OceanSurveyor, RDI, 153.6kHz) established in T/S Ushio-maru of Hokkaido University, in September 27, 2003. The ADCP's doppler shift revealed as the raw data that the maximum swimming velocity was measured 163.0cm/s, and its horizontal swimming speed and direction were 72.4±24.1 cm/s, 160.1˚±22.3˚ while the surrounding current speed and direction were 19.6±8.4 cm/s, 328.1˚±45.3˚. To calculate the actual swimming speed of Pacific saury in each bins, comparisons for each stratified bins must be made between the mean surrounding current velocity vectors, measured for each stratified bin, and its mean swimming velocity vectors, assumed by reference (threshold 〉 -70dB) and 5dB margin among four beams of ADCP. As a result, the actual averaged swimming velocity was 88.6cm/s and the averaged 3-D swimming velocity was 91.3cm/s using the 3-D velocity vector, respectively.