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Phospholipid의 Gelation에 의한 Liposome 형성과 안정성 KCI 등재

Stability and Formation of the Liposome with Phospholipid Base

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/257099
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한국응용과학기술학회지 (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology)
한국응용과학기술학회(구 한국유화학회) (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology (KSAST))

The liposomes have been developed in many drugs and cosmetics fields. The liposomes prepared with main compounds of the intercellular lipids and lecithin. Amphiphile nonionic surfactants used for (PEG) n-sitosterol(n=5), diethanolamine cetylphosphate. The effect of gelation for liposomes have been on swelling reaction which have been mixed phospholipid with polyol-group at the high temperature. There were very good encapsulated properties of the active ingredients whether hydrophilic-group(magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, allantoin, sodium hyaluronate) and hydrophobic-group(vitamin-E acetate, vitamin-A palmitate). Optimum condition of liposomes were passed five times in the microfluidizer(700bar), wetting reaction temperature was at 95±5℃ for a hours. Particle size distribution of the vesicles should be within range 50-560nm(mean 200nm). The stability of liposomes for the course of time was stabilized for six months at 45℃. Application of the cosmetic was prepared moisturizing cream with liposomes of the phospholipid base.

  • 김인영 | Kim, In-Young
  • 지홍근 | Ji, Hong-Keun
  • 홍창용 | Hong, Chang-Yong
  • 강삼우 | Kang, Sam-Woo