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Spectral Sensitization and Photographic Characteristics of 9-Phenyl-3,3'-Bis(3-Sulfopropyl)-4,5,4',5'-Naphthothiazolo Carbocyanine Triethyl Ammonium Salt

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/257437
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한국응용과학기술학회지 (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology)
한국응용과학기술학회(구 한국유화학회) (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology (KSAST))

In this paper, it was studied about the red-sensitive layer. UV-Vis data of the dye at monomeric and J-state were considered with respect to their performance(contrast, speed, density and fog) in photographic emulsion. The sensitizing effect of the dye is found to be strongly structure-dependent. Naphthctbiazolo carbocyanine dye can be used as red sensitizing dye for the spectral sensitization of photographic emulsion.

  • Yeoung-Chan Kim