The Changes of Volatile Basic Nitrogen and Browing in Salt Fermented Squid Affected by Adding to Squid Ink
오징어 먹즙을 오징어 젓갈에 2% 및 4% 농도로 첨가하고 10℃에서 8주일간, 20℃에서 32일간 숙성시키면서 휘발성염기질소와 갈변도의 변화는 다음과 같다. 오징어 먹즙을 첨가하지 않은 오징어 젓갈의 숙성 중 휘발성염기질소는 염 농도가 낮고 숙성온도가 높을수록 숙성 후반까지 계속 유의성 높게 증가하여 숙성이 촉진되었다. 갈변도는 숙성초반 증가하였다가 중반이후 다시 감소하였다. 오징어 먹즙 첨가한 오징어 젓갈의 휘발성염기질소 함량은 숙성후반까지 계속 증가하였으나 증가폭은 무 첨가군에 비하여 작았다.
Squid ink was added to the salt fermented squid by 2% or 4% of concentration and ripened at 10℃ for 8 weeks and at 20℃ for 32days. The effects of the squid ink on the volatile basic nitrogen and browning activities of salt fermented squid were investigated. The results are as follows; As the salt concentration was decreased and the fermentation temperature raised, volatile basic nitrogen in the salt fermented squid without addition of the squid ink was significantly increased to the latter stage of the ripening and hence fermentations were enhanced. It was found that the browning has decreased from the mid-stage of the ripening, after showing the increasement during the early stage. The volatile basic nitrogen content in the salt fermented squid addition of the squid ink has increased to the latter part of the ripening but the range was smaller than no treatment groups.