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韓國과 日本産 抗腫瘍性 資源의 Screening에 대하여 KCI 등재

Screening for Antitumor Efficacy from the medical plants in Korea and Japan

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/258097
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한국자원식물학회지 (Korean journal of plant resources)
한국자원식물학회 (The Plant Resources Society Of Korea)

21plants, which collected from Korea and Japan, were applied to antitumor and cytotoxic screening tests against sarcoma 180 a ascitec in mice. The results are summariged as follows : 1) The total packed cell volume method has been used for the antimeoplastic screening for from natural higher plants in Korea. By this method, we have found out that Selaginella involves, Patrinia hispida, Archyranthes japonica and Solanum nigrum having significant activity and also Cydonia sinensis and Rubia akane showed slight activity to antitumor 2) The total packed cell volune method has been used for the antineoplastic screening for from natural higher plants in Japan. Among the 21 tested plants, lsodon japonicus having strong antitumor activity and also Torilis japonica, Aralia elata, Leonurus sibiricus and Rubia cordifolia showed significant activity to anticancer tumor while Forsythia spp and Solanum nigrum showed slight activity to antitumor. 3) Among the 21 tested Korea plants, lsodon excisus and Forsythia Koreana showed strong antitumor activity by the V79 cytotoxic cell screening test.

  • 이상래 | Lee, Sang-Rae
  • 윤의수 | Yoon, Eui-Soo
  • 신수철 | Shin, Soo-Cheol
  • 이종일 | Lee, Jong-Il